Each digital story unit for Adapted Fairy Tales includes; a plan for teaching one of the traditional fairy tales, an adapted version of the tale for NZ, and an additional text for telling linked non-fiction. The creative plan format is produced with the trained storytelling teacher in mind who knows how to teach the storytelling way. In this purchase, you receive; a plan for The Three Billy Goats Gruff, a narrative text for telling The Three Polite Pukeko, and a non-fiction text for telling Toll Collector Vanished from Workplace. Plans include guidance in story mapping, using a plot matrix, boxing up for purpose, focus on key vocabulary, ideas and content. Our text Snaggletooth Wump, will make a useful addition to this set of texts if you want to further explore a fantasy creature context for non-fiction telling and writing. (coming soon)
The Three Billy Goats Gruff &; The Three Polite Pukeko (Group User Licence)
Each of our story resources is offered with 3 licence options. School; as a school-wide resource. Group; as a syndicate resource. Single; sole user.
All rights reserved. Each story/non-fiction text and associated plans are copyright protected. Full text or any portion thereof may not be; reproduced, stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means, be shared with others out-with your organisation, or used in any manner beyond the purchased licence agreement (single, group, school) without the express written permission of StoryWays Literacy Ltd.